Vol. 6 No. 3 (2023): Special Issue: College Student Cannabis Use Vol. 1

Cannabis use among college students has reached its highest point in 30 years with 43% of students reporting use within the past year, and 26% within the past 30 days (Schulenberg et al., 2020). The high prevalence of cannabis use is a major public health concern due to the range of unwanted consequences, including risk for cannabis use disorder, that can result from regular cannabis use (cf. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2017). Often journals reject college student samples as convenience samples; however, for cannabis, college students are among those at highest risk for cannabis-related negative consequences. This can result in undergraduate and graduate students having trouble finding journals amenable to publishing findings from well conducted theses and dissertations using college student data. This special issue series highlights groundbreaking research on cannabis use among college students.
Guest Editor:
Mark A. Prince, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Associate Director of Addiction Counseling
Colorado State University