Why young adults obtain a medical marijuana card: Associations with health symptoms and heaviness of use


  • Justin Hummer RAND Corporation
  • Rachana Seelam RAND Corporation
  • Eric Pedersen USC Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
  • Joan Tucker RAND Corporation
  • David Klein RAND Corporation
  • Elizabeth D'Amico RAND Corporation


Objective. Prior studies documenting more frequent and problematic use among young adults who have acquired medical marijuana (MM) cards have broadly compared those who use medically to those who use recreationally. Gaining a better picture of how health symptoms and problematic use vary both within those who have a MM card for specific condition domains and between those who do not have a MM card, can provide key information for medical practitioners and states interested in adopting or updating MM policies. Method. The current study categorizes young adults authorized to use MM into four mutually exclusive groups based on endorsements of qualifying conditions: (1) Physical Health only; (2) Mental Health only; (3) Sleep only; and (4) Multiple Conditions. Analysis of covariance examined differences across marijuana use, problems, mental and physical health, and sleep for MM condition categories, and for those that only use marijuana recreationally. Results. MM card holders, particularly those with physical health or multiple health conditions, reported heavier, more frequent, and more problematic and risky marijuana use compared to those using recreationally. Despite this pattern, those in different MM condition categories were generally not found to be more symptomatic in domains of functioning relevant to their respective conditions, compared to different category groups or to those using recreationally. Conclusions. Findings emphasize the importance of providers conducting a careful assessment of reasons for needing a card, along with use, to reduce potential harms while adding credibility to a medical movement with genuine promise of relief for many medical conditions.






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