Use of Cannabis for Medical or Recreational Purposes Among US Young Adults: Correlates and Implications for Problematic Use and Interest in Quitting
Objective: Recreational and medical cannabis use has increased, particularly among young adults, but little is known regarding who uses for these purposes or how purpose of use is associated with problematic use. Method: We analyzed Fall 2019 survey data among 1,083 US young adults (ages 18-34) reporting past 6-month cannabis use. Multivariable regression analyses examined: 1) characteristics of those using for only/primarily medical purposes, primarily recreationally, and only recreationally vs. equally for medical and recreational purposes (referent; multinomial logistic); and 2) reasons for use in relation to cannabis use disorder symptoms (linear) and driving under the influence of cannabis (DUIC; binary logistic). Results: 37.1% used only recreationally, 23.5% primarily recreationally, 21.5% equally for both, and 17.8% medically. Compared to those using equally for medical and recreational purposes, those using only/primarily medically had fewer friends who used cannabis; those using primarily recreationally were younger, more educated, less likely used tobacco, and reported fewer ACEs. Those using only recreationally were younger, more likely male, less likely to report an ADHD diagnosis or past-month alcohol or tobacco use, and reported fewer friends who used cannabis, ACEs, and depressive symptoms. Using equally for medical and recreational purposes (vs. all other cannabis use subgroups) correlated with greater use disorder symptoms and DUIC. Conclusions: Using cannabis equally for medical and recreational purposes may pose particularly high-risk, given the association with greater mental health concerns and problematic use. Understanding use profiles and how young adults interpret and distinguish medical and recreational use is critical.
Copyright (c) 2024 Priyanka Sridharan, Katelyn Romm, Carla Berg

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